Saturday, March 14, 2020

One Year Later

One year later.

One year later.

One year later. I gave it a year to know if this is real.

Because one doctor said, a neurosurgeon said that...

"Romantic feelings, in a packaging of thousand of narrations, made up before copulation,
only last for six to eight months at the most." -dr. Ryu

Such a short period for something that we wished would last forever. 

So, I have waited for a year. To know how long can I go until I replace you with another fantasy.
And it is not that I haven't tried. Movie star, political figure, to a character in manga.
I have tried it all, haven't I.

But I am still in here to know, how long can I go on this quiet journey, without doing, saying anything, without taking chance to make the first move, to take the initiative like I always do.

I might be in an experiment to see what would eventually happen, if one only rely, a hundred percent on serendipity. What would manifest. What could be conveyed only with long stares.
Without words and nothing to be conveyed, what could be understood.

...and it turns out to be a very interesting experience for me. Exploring my self, my emotions, my drive.
And sometimes, I sense your faint reaction. Puzzled, intrigued. Yet, you kept quiet.
Threading carefully  in carrying out the 'experiment' of trying to observe each other.

It has been one year for me.

How long has it been for you, recently.

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Brave decision

I am pretty proud of my self, having being able to make a quick yet painful decision on the spot, despite of realizing how miserable I will ...