I wonder, if I would feel better if I just admit it.
What made it hurt more than loosing the opportunity, is loosing you. Too...
You came into my life, not like a storm, but like water that slowly seeps through the crack of soil.
You don't crash on me like heavy rain on to the ground. But like drizzle, steady and sound.
Rewinding back, it is not first love at first sight at all.
Just some friendly encounters, swift hellos, commenting on my hair...
You must have found me funny and interesting. After all, I am a little alien with bundle of courage, that sometimes makes a wave.
During those initial encounters, you were too tall for me to look straight into your eyes, long enough to make me fall.
But that day, September 3rd, we were 30 cm apart for like an hour. Enough for me to suddenly came into a revelation, how it would be nice if those hands hold me, like the way your kind word has protected me.
You've got it all controlled inside, do you.
Well, not me. Unfortunately I am a very unstable soul, that constantly feels lonely. I fall.
I have unknowingly fall, during my efforts to impress you. I even cried one night just because I was so desperate of not getting my email answered. That should have served as warning that it was no longer only about defending my position.
Loosing opportunity is a regular daily occurrence. And there's nothing else but to cry it out and stand back to continue doing best. Because sometimes, principal holds some consequences. If things don't go as expected, at least you did what you think what's right.
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